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Can you be infected and carry the virus after COVID-19 vaccination?

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

Pfizer - BioNtech vaccine inventors

Since the start of the vaccination campaign, the development of COVID-19 has been reported among doctors and nurses who have received one or both doses of vaccine. On December 2020 University of San Diego (UCSD) and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) started the vaccination campaign for health care workers. Well... Until February 9, 2021, a total of 36,659 health care workers received the first dose oand 28,184 of these (77%) received the second dose. They found 379 persons tested positive for SARS-CoV at least 1 day after vaccination, instead the majority (71%) of these persons tested positive within the first 2 weeks after the first dose. Nevertheless after receiving both vaccinations, 37 health care workers tested positive 1 week after the second dose. Only 8 health care workers tested positive 2 weeks after the second vaccination, and 7 tested positive over 2 weeks after the second vaccination.

The meaning? After your vaccination, you may still be infected and transmit the virus. Keep the social distance, wear the mask and wash your hands even after the vaccination.
Vaccine is a weapon not a solution!

Dr. Federico Conforto

Critical Care Physician

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